Saturday, May 10, 2014

2014 State Rankings

These lists of state rankings are always fascinating.  We are lucky to live in a country where states have the ability to cater to their specific needs and create the climate ideal for their citizens. 

Here are the state "Best Business Rankings" for 2014, from Chief Executive:

As a business man in SW Ohio, I'm always interested in what our neighboring states are doing to make themselves more attractive to businesses.  Indiana is always near the top and this year at #6 suggests they aren't doing anything liberal to drive business away.  Indiana's biggest drawback is they lack the talent.  I'd like to think they will get an influx of top talent when Chicago becomes unbearable.

Kentucky, just a few miles away is at #25.  That is unchanged from previous years, albeit from lists that were compiled by other sources that we trust.

The biggest change is Ohio at #27.  That is a huge leap from previous lists where we've seen the state range from 35 to 45.  Every list has it's own criteria and it is safe to say every list has its flaws.  But this dramatic move for Ohio is good. 

Gov. Kasich has made some solid moves for the better up in Columbus, and in my opinion as someone who doesn't pay too much attention to state politics, he deserves the most credit. 

I'd also point to the tea party groups in Ohio who I've come to know are dedicated and aggressive.  Have you seen my videos from the Cincinnati Tea Parties from March 2009 and April 2009?  Two of my best videos I think.

U/T: Second City Cop

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