Thursday, May 28, 2015

Book Recommendations

I've mostly transitioned to Kindle books.  But, oddly, this week I ordered four books. 

Pre-ordered:  Under the Same Sky, by Joseph Kim.  Mr. Kim is one of the first North Korean escapees who was helped by Liberty in North Korea, or LiNK.  We've be promoting LiNK as our recommended charity here at Ushanka for years now (see side bar at left).  They do God's work of helping North Koreas who are trapped in China escape - again - to South Korea.  They further help them transition to full, self-sufficiency too.  LiNK is doing more damage to the Communists in North Korea than any government including the US.  (But then, doesn't the private sector always do a better job than the government?)

You can pre-order a SIGNED COPY here!

Breakfast with the Dirt Cult, by Samuel Finlay.  WRSA posted a review.  You cannot read that review and not buy this book.  I look forward to reading it soon.

The Raid, by Benjamin F. Schemmer.  I've read this book twice already but lost my paperback copy.  A great Vietnam War story about a failed POW rescue attempt.  I remember being impressed with the mission planning and leadership.  I can't wait to read this again.  Amazon is selling new hardcover copies for $21!

Slaver's Wheel, by Jack Lawson.  I read this last year on kindle and wanted to get it in paperback so I could re-read and then share.  Read how a small group of US special forces soldiers go into the Congo to rescue westerners trapped during the transition from Belgium (civilized) control to native (uncivilized) control.  Not only do they pull it off, one of the soldiers catches the eye of the new leadership and signs on to be the president's body guard.  The balls on these guys!

If you're 'between' books right now, I hope you will consider one of these above.

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