Monday, September 29, 2014

Terrorism in America? Whatever. UPDATED and BUMPED

[orig post 9.28.14 11am]

The best argument for Hillary in 2016 is that the media elites will avoid calling terrorism "terrorism" for four more years.

Breitbart:  Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki, Boston Bomber's Mosque

I may be on record as being less-than-pleased that we have Liberals Progressives Communists running destroying our country, but I also like living in this bubble where I'm told "everything is ok," and the US economy is "recovering," and "war in ____ is so important it doesn't need congressional approval." Doesn't everybody?

Our dear leader's 'Crisis as a Means' warfare against his internal enemies is a smashing success.  But I am still unclear on his exit strategy....

So a guy cuts the head off of a co-worker.  Comrade Huck, via FB, suggests we don't get upset about this: "No sense in losing your head over workplace violence."  Exactly.  The fact that prediction #8,344: "we will have terrorist attacks in the US if we elect a Democrat" has been proven true is hardly news.  I stopped reacting after #45 or so.

Huck pointed me to this Pamela Geller post [WARNING - PHOTO OF BEHEADED AMERICAN CITIZEN]:  Police Calling Beheading a “Terror Event,” But the FBI Has Not Determined a Motive

We wish the FBI luck in their search for the motive.  Since they were watching me instead of protecting Colleen Hufford, they might consider taking the time to give me a call.  I have an idea.


Mr. B. delivers!  The news reports said the recent Islam convert was shot by a "deputy."  Mr. B. is an founding member of that growing group, now a majority, who don't believe a thing the MSM says.  He reports it was not a deputy who did the shooting, but a citizen carrying a concealed handgun.  Well, that runs counter to the narrative, now doesn't it?

And from WZ: Lt. Betsy Randolph, a police officer who arrested the recent Islam convert 4 years ago after he assaulted her.

UPDATED 9.29 10am:

Shared by a FB Comrade:

UPDATED and BUMPED 9.29.14 10:30pm:

Correcting the record: Apparently the co-worker who shot the recent convert to Islam is the former company president, and he is a reserve county sheriff's deputy.

This photo of victim #2 who survived, Traci Johnson, was posted by a FB Comrade.

More at Pamela Geller's site.  Her site is always the first source for the cancer that is the political movement, Islam.

Legal Insurrection posts MSNBC's attempt to play the "Workplace Violence" theme.  It is even more ridiculous in video!

UPDATED 10.5.14 9pm:

Quote of the day, pulled from the comments.  Comrade Robert:
Islam is a very convenient tool for the violent psychopath / sociopath. No longer are you a worthless loser who enjoys inflicting pain on others: now you are a holy man! (who enjoys inflicting pain on others)


Robert What? said...

Islam is a very convenient tool for the violent psychopath / sociopath. No longer are you a worthless loser who enjoys inflicting pain on others: now you are a holy man! (who enjoys inflicting pain on others)

Karl said...

Comrade Robert, that is the quote of the day. Copied to main post.

Yep, murderers have a club now.