History repeats itself. And so do I.
English Russia has posted current photos of the old NKVD Sanatorium built in Kislovodsk in 1933. If you'll recall, 1933 was several years into the Stalin Administration. Mass housing was necessary then because the country was suffering from an unexpected spike in internal conspiracies from a grossly underestimated number of internal enemies.

Maybe you remember headlines like: "Prison populations higher than expected"?
Further, many suffered from impure thoughts of selfish individuality, personal responsibility and faith. It was necessary for a compassionate government to house these unfortunates in places such as the Kislovodsk Sanatorium where they could get the help they desperately needed. Luckily, Soviet citizens had such a compassionate government.

Soon, this same level of compassion will help those of us who have suffered for so long. Who have been unable to afford the therapy we need because the greedy insurance companies priced such help out of our reach.
If we cannot make the transition to Hope and Change that is so necessary to overcome these difficult times of inequity and uncertainty, we will soon have a peaceful place to go for help.
Waivers for early admission will be available for:
Tea Party attendees
Loving Parents
Chrysler Bond Holders and Dealers
Right Wing Extremists
and Glenn Beck.
Soon, Comrades, we will have our own Kislovodsk Sanatorium. See you there!
UPDATED 10.25:
How does this start?
Here is some fine print we found on the bottom of page A6 in today's WSJ. Story by The Canadian Press: Pediatricians urged to screen new moms for depression, which can slow babies developmentally.
Some questions off the top of our Ushanka - Rather than the event of becoming a mother as the reason for being depressed:
What if that new mom is depressed because her new baby is born with 10's of thousands of dollars of shared national debt?
What if that new mom is depressed because her child will not have the same life and career options she had?
What if that new mom is depressed because the nation's current leadership turns a blind eye to criminal behavior?
Will that new mom qualify for a concealed weapons license to protect her new baby if she is deemed 'depressed'?
Will she be smeared with 'a history of depression' when she chooses to act on behalf of her fellow moms and runs for office?
Will the American Academy of Pediatrics publish a report soon on the effects of depression in women who abort their children? They are moms too, right?
What are the real motivations behind this report?
Kyle-Anne Shiver writes at Pajamas Media: Dems Playing Soviet-Style Insanity Card. (Found through James Taranto's Best of the Web at WSJ: The Politics of Sanity.)
The theme keeps re-appearing, or maybe our mind just tells us that it is...
Regarding Jon Stewart's naming choice for his coming march in DC, "Restoring Sanity", a march in response to Glenn Beck's recent gathering "Restoring Honor":
It might behoove a sentient American to ponder whether Jon Stewart considers qualities like cheerfulness, religiosity, a penchant for cleanliness, and a love of American liberty — which were on ample display during Beck’s rally — to be signs of mental illness.
It would seem so and that puts Jon Stewart right in the same league with the old Soviet regime and the way they treated their own dissidents. The Soviets were infamous for declaring any vocal dissident “insane,” putting them in psychiatric “hospitals,” turning the shock therapy machines to full voltage, and throwing away the keys.
It would seem so and that puts Jon Stewart right in the same league with the old Soviet regime and the way they treated their own dissidents. The Soviets were infamous for declaring any vocal dissident “insane,” putting them in psychiatric “hospitals,” turning the shock therapy machines to full voltage, and throwing away the keys.
James Taranto suggests this concern is "overwrought" which begs the question: What does James think about Ushanka.us and our lovely Commie Obama hat? James suggests ignoring entertainment media and looking instead to academia:
One frequently encounters examples of researchers using their intellectual authority to brand disfavored (read conservative) political views as pathological or primitive. A prime example appeared on the New York Times's op-ed page yesterday.
Authors Peter Liberman and David Pizarro, professors of political science and psychology, respectively, attribute conservative political views to "the emotion of disgust"
Authors Peter Liberman and David Pizarro, professors of political science and psychology, respectively, attribute conservative political views to "the emotion of disgust"
The Emotion of Disgust. Yep, we feel that every now and then. Mostly now.
Both agree on the very recent and relevant NPR firing of Juan Williams after he expressed a very common feeling when seeing Muslims on his flights. The NPR CEO suggested Juan Williams should keep his feelings about Muslims 'between him and his psychiatrist.' She may have apologized for those remarks, but like all liberals who claim to mis-speak or be taken out of context, their most candid statements seem to express the same elitist traits that we've seen in some of the most lethal dictators.
These accusations of insanity on the political right seem to be gaining in momentum as a rout of the Democrats is expected in next week's election. For over a month now they've heard how they are going to lose big (but not why).
Any psychiatrist will tell you the emotional strain of discovering you were so wrong in your assessment of Obama and his ability to govern and provide you with free stuff can lead to angry and hateful outbursts. Add to this strain the flailing sensation of trying to smear and discourage your political opponents with little or no success, and you have a large segment of the population in need of a quiet, padded room and a jacket with a little extra in the sleeve.
We'd suggest there is nothing to worry about if these comments end next week. If they continue, however...
U/T: Shiver. We added her blog, Common Sense Regained, to our blogroll.
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