Adding $2 Trillion to the deficit wasn't an accident.
It is the means to an end.
Scaring businesses into survival mode wasn't an accident.
It is the means to an end.
Increasing the costs of labor in the US to crazy levels wasn't an accident.
It is the means to an end.
Supposedly 44% of our fellow Americans still think this economy is ok, as they voted for 'Free Stuff' in 2008, and probably in prior elections too. While down from 53%, it hasn't fallen to the 1-2%, the card-carrying Communists, where it belongs.
Want an easy explanation? Here is the culprit:

And here are his partners in this takeover. The people who took the lead in 2008 on his behalf. The people now feeling so guilty they are finally telling the truth:

And here is their idol:

Disagree? Don't waste your time in the comments section. This is no longer a debate.
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