Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Internet Finds

Sorry for the lack of posts.  Too many opportunities over the past few days to spend time with family.

I've kept some of the best links of the past days.  Sharing here.

NDL News: Germany is trying to teach refugees the right way to have sex.  Apparently, Germany has spent $136k on a website to teach their migrants about sex.
After a rash of sexual assaults allegedly committed by suspects including asylum seekers on New Year’s Eve, the Germans have been on a mission to re-educate migrants, especially males, about sexual norms in the West.
NDL shared this image from the website.

Our comrade Stilton, of HopeNChangeCartoons, shared this modified, and arguably more accurate version, on FB:


Two bloggers are calling it quits.  And not because they see things getting better.

The Smallest Minority has a very long post.
My opinion of the Republican party has declined precipitously over the last thirteen years.  As has my opinion of the Democrat party.
I have only read a rare post there, so I do not know the blogger's beliefs or themes.  But I did get a sense this is someone who burned-out in the recent GOP primaries.  I draw this conclusion from this: if Trump is the GOP nominee, and a conservative blogger says he doesn't like the direction things are going.  I am seeing this among FB comrades too, and I am dismissing claims of "I'm out" or "NeverTrump" as premature.  Let's see what these folks have to say after the first Hillary-Trump debate...

Worse: Comrade Ann Barnhardt says she is stepping down.  I have a hard time believing she can keep quiet.  Especially if things decline further as she has predicted.  Ann has has a major impact on me and how I see the current decline.  Her boldness and her 'rightness' were refreshing in the past years.

She shares a quote:  I love G.K. Chesterton’s quote, “A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

Then she says this:
I no longer love what is behind me.  I have zero desire to fight for or in any way contribute to the continuance of what used to be called “The United States.”  Burn it.  Burn it to the ground.
I hope she reconsiders - both blogging, and not burning it all to the ground.


WeaponsMan writes about George Zimmerman's attempts to sell the gun he used to defend himself against a thug a few years back.  GunBroker, a gun auction web service, turned down the auction.  As a GunBroker user, I was disappointed to hear this, and I have decided to stop using their service.


Comrade Matt Forney released his second Alt-Right podcast at Right-On
In the second segment, Jared and I discuss Donald Trump’s campaign and how he’s inspired a flowering of dissident thought. We also talk about the economic suffering of poor Whites in America, the recently released new edition of The Color of Crime, this weekend’s AmRen Conference in Nashville, the nature of the alternative right, and much more.

And last, Ann Barnhardt released her Diabolical Narcissim video.  Finally.  It is a three-hour video.  (I've only made it through 15 minutes, so far.)  This has been a major project for over a year for her.  Let's see how long it lasts on YouTube...

U/T: Western Rifle for some of the links above.

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