Time for a contest so this bitter clinger can convert his $1's into $100's (or into precious metals), and start cussing anew!
There will be TWO WINNERS: you, and the blogger or source who sent you here! Both will receive the Commie Obama Hat and Bottle of Leninade.
Add your guess in the comments below. Guesses MUST consist of a dollar value guess (no cents) AND the name of the blog that referred you. If you don't have a referrer, pick one of the cool bloggers in our Blogroll at the left.
One guess per person please.
Contest ends at noon EST on Sunday, February 19. Check back then, and send us your contact information if you are the winner!
If two guesses are equal - one higher and one lower by the same amount - the tie goes to the lower.
The first of duplicate guesses will be considered.
The jar is 10 inches tall, and 7 inches in diameter. There is no lid on the jar in the photo.
The jar contains a known quantity (bottom) and an unknown quantity (top).
Known: 10 $100 bills and 340 $1 bills. You can see the $100's at the bottom, then the $340.
Unknown: The large stack of $1s.
There are no bills hidden from view. See larger picture.
You are guessing the total amount in the jar, so be sure to guess over $1340!
Known: 10 $100 bills and 340 $1 bills. You can see the $100's at the bottom, then the $340.
Unknown: The large stack of $1s.
There are no bills hidden from view. See larger picture.
You are guessing the total amount in the jar, so be sure to guess over $1340!
Previous Contests:
July 2009, $124, Winner: B... from SondraKistan,
May Day 2011, $1340, Winner: Simply Amazed from IOTW
Thanks for the links back: Bird Ankles, IOTW, RobertaX
IOTW has a hat conversation too...
2.19.12 - We have a winner!
The total in the jar is $2080.
Anon from RobertaX wins with their guess of $2090.

Honorable mention goes to:
Larry, $2040, RobertaX
Jack Daniels, $2107, IOTW
OrbitUp, $2042, IOTW
NinnyBau, $2100, IOTW
Freeman, $2012, unknown source
Texan59, $2107, unknown source
We traded the cash in for 8oz of silver and 1oz of gold. Why let our Dear Leader reduce the value of this cuss jar over the course of the next year? If my cussing hasn't sent a clear message, maybe these coins will...

We hope the cuss jar will retire in January 2013. I'll then need help deciding on how to spend the money. The Bill Wilson, or The Custom Classic?
(email referred) - IOTW
$ 1,928.00
[Found out through "Doc" via email]
So I pick iOTW.
Mary Jane Anklestraps
found via iOTW
Blog reference - iOwnTheWorld.com
Contest entry by 99th Squad Leader
(received ushanka email)
$1876 referred by MJA at Bird Ankles. (although I think I saw a line item in Barry's proposed spending bill for $826 Billion annotated as Karl's cuss jar. You're gonna need a bigger jar next time!)
Iowndaworld referred
Obama is a SCOAMF
Referred through IOTW
Sapper Chris
$1,773 Go TEA Party
found at iOTW via Bird Ankles
Karl, do you sell just the 2012 placards? I need to update my hat!
found via iOTW, then Bird Ankles
Moxie Man (ID at iOTW)
Hello Karl and crew.
I guess $2,037.00
Send a commieobama hat to Admin Girl, c/o Iotw, when I WIN, please.
By: ItsShakenBake
RWF via iOTW
$2040, referred by Roberta X
kono @ iotw
Doug Ross
from comrade in kalifornia
Found via The Adventures of Roberta X
Sent here from iOTW
1785 IOTW
$2,425 (iOTW) StormIn2012
$1894 IOTW
2012 dollars
Three years salary.(And counting)
hanoverfist @ IOTH
from iOTW
Johnny Freedom
$3001 - IOTW
Muddjuice says:
Reffered by iOTW
WeeWeed says,
$1,932...found via IOTW
GI-had Joe
even steven referred by iOTW
2017 via RobertaX
Found via IOTW
Sent by BigFurHat at IOTW. I have no idea why they call him that.
via IOTW
via IOTW
2771 - mkultra via email referral (iotw)
Sorry, I'm the anonymous $2500 guesser from IOTW, CrustyB.
ok ummmmm $1,628.00
OK I'm dumb. I meant $2,628.00. My bad. Apologies.
$2679. But only because mmasse stole my first guess. ;)
For the ConservativeTreehouse.com
$1790! How in da hell did I miss this contest!
Sometimes being MadJack gets in the way of stuff. ;)
I am MadJack and I approve dis message. ;)
$1790 ;)
from Roberta X
Via The Adventures of Roberta X
I'll guess 1791
$1,984.00 (aka "1984") ;)
Blog - iOwnTheWorld.com
$1839.00 referred by iOTW :)
$3005\Cate, from IOTW
In the jar: $3,990.00. thanks and thanks I own the world.
in the jar: $3,990.00. Thanks & thanks I Own the World.
in the jar: $3,990.00. Thanks & thanks I Own the World.
in the jar: $3,990.00. Thanks & thanks I Own the World.
The Czar of Defenestration says: $950
in the jar: $3,990.00. Thanks & thanks I Own the World.
Linked directly from a big fur hat at IOTW.
in the jar: $3,990.00. Thanks & thanks I Own the World.
$2177.00 is the best I can do....
From The Doktor @ iOTW
$2001.00 sent by diogenes...
$2340 Darn-it! Racist/IOTW
$2012 - FreeMan
$2485 Sez KuunaBeach
Via Doug Ross
$2,490 scr_north from IOTW.
$1,815.00 IOTW! Bring it on.
$1986 iOTW
The year WWII ended and I began.
IOTW and now Sadie wants the hat.
$2360 - Jethro (IOTW)
$1560 - bitterclinger, IOTW
nirbi considered
$2042 iOTW
I Own The World
refered by http://twowheeledmadwoman.blogspot.com/
$1786 Milwaukee Mike (iotw)
I own the world
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