Friday, February 03, 2012

Rick Santorum UPDATED 2x & BUMPED

[original post 1.27.12]

A tribute post for Rick Santorum.

We've been detached from the GOP primary fight for several reasons: 1) we cancelled our cable TV a while back, 2) our vote on Super Tuesday (March 6th) will have little impact on the nominee who will likely be chosen prior to that day, and 3) we side with the Tea Party in values, principles and priorities.

So to address #1 above, we appreciate the hard work of our fellow bloggers like NiceDeb to parse out the highlights of the campaign.  Here is one of three Santorum clips she has posted from last night's debate:

As for #'s 2 & 3 above, if Santorum makes it to Super Tuesday he will get our vote.  Not because of what he has said or his popularity or his policy positions, and not because of the endless and pathetic MSM attacks on Gingrich or Romney, but because he is the best candidate in Tea Party terms.

Our thanks to Sen. Santorum for making our life easy.  We don't have to think at all, just go vote.  Good luck sir, and GodSpeed.

U/T: NiceDeb


Michelle Malkin posts a ringing endorsement.

And at this point in the game, Rick Santorum represents the most conservative candidate still standing who can articulate both fiscal and social conservative values — and live them.


NiceDeb posted this 1999 Santorum rant on Senate floor.

Another U/T: NiceDeb

1 comment:

rjp said...

I am hoping Santorum can muster some delegates. Really, I think he is the best choice for America.

With Bachmann's help, he can take momentum out of Minnesota and actually do this.