First, Kim Strassel, explains that the MSM has painted Santorum as a politician that will enforce his social-conservative values on the American public. Or, become our "Moralizer in Chief". Then she falls for the MSM trap herself and takes his comments about birth control out of context.
At least Kim had the discipline to avoid endorsing one of the other candidates.
Second, Dorothy Rabinowitz, the grandmother of the WSJ editorial board, endorses Newt Gingrich in her Santorum hit-piece: Democrats are Praying for a Santorum Nomination.
Dorothy is convinced that the GOP candidate who won the last three primary states and who is in line for wins in Michigan and Ohio in the coming weeks is "unpalatable" to the electorate. Dorothy is appalled at Santorum's position that home-schooling is favorable to government schooling.
It is time for the Journal to put Dorothy out to pasture if she is using their opinion page to defend the state of our public education. Clearly she has lost all perspective if she'd rather bash a GOP candidate than admit the damage the unions have done to our public schools.
Maybe Dorothy can join Clint Eastwood in his next commercial. They could share a drool cup.

Of all the primaries, this has been my favorite because we haven't cared. Typing this post has been the most effort and emotion I have put into this primary season, and I have the Tea Party to thank for this. I have ignored the debates and have put my middle finger in the wind to the establishment types at Drudge, WSJ, Karl Rove, and others.
My candidate is the one who most strongly conveys the values of the Tea Party - 1) limited government, 2) controlled spending, and 3) strong national security. This candidate's name changes, but the name isn't important to me at this stage. First it was Palin. Then Bachmann and Perry. Now it is Santorum. If Santorum falls out, Gingrich will be the closest. If Newt falls out, Romney will be the closest to the Tea Party.
I voted for Mitt in the California primary back in 2008. He was the most conservative on the ballot.
I am popping my popcorn in anticipation for the day when our nominee is named and the attention turns to our Dear Leader and his record. I suggest my fellow conservatives do the same.
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