Contest Details:
Guesses MUST consist of a dollar value (no cents) AND the name of the referrer (blog, radio show host, etc.) that sent you here.
Contest ends at 6PM EST July 5th. The closest guess wins the Hat & Leninade.
If two guesses are equal - one higher and one lower by the same amount - the tie goes to the lower.
If two guesses are the same, the first posted is considered.
The jar is 10 inches tall, and 7 inches in diameter.
The jar only contains $1 bills.
All other issues will be decided by the Minnesota Supreme Court.
Link to the Commie Obama Hat Store.
Our thanks to the following referrers: SondraK, Doug Ross,
UPDATE 6:35PM - WE HAVE A WINNER! B.... from SondraK was the closest with his guess of $123. There is $124 in the Obama Cuss Jar. B...., let us know where you are!

Our thanks to all who participated. We're happy to give $10 off to those who left a guess in the comments section. Just use the Contact Us above to let us know what you want and we'll make it happen! Until the next 4th of July...
I'd have to say $69 dollars.
No blog sent me here, I got an email from you guys.
Steve Hugli
I came here from Sondra K's.
I'm going to guess $76.
Guess - $138.00
Referred by SondraK.com
a $34.99 value if you win? I am going to guess $35 is in the jar.
Sondrak.com sent me
So how do you let the winner know they won?
iDaemon at SondraK guesses $52.
Referred by SondraK.com
More money than I've seen in 7 months. $123 .........
From SondraK.com
I'd say $93
Referred by Sondra K.
Have to say 57.00
*Lennonaide*??? Inspired! Did the one lay his hands upon the water, and change it into this beverage??
Minnesota? How long will the recount take? Things could change in that time. Don't growl at me, I'm from California and have nothing to be proud of, either.
I'm guessing,$152.00.
SondraK sent me.
I guess $87. SondraK.com sent me here.
A franken obama cuss jar?!
Didn't say when the last time it was emptied for cigars and burbon.
SondraK sent me and I'll guess the answer is US$42.
via the HeadMissy's front porch
Danny - the idea man behind Leninade - was unable to post a comment with his guess. Below is his email:
I'm going to guess $118. I really liked the comment admonishing respondents to come up with a number
that has no cents. I think that that phrase, under a different spelling, is indicative of the policies of our
current government... and even more specifically the government of the State of California! It also lends
to a prophecy of the movie "Idiocracy" in which people are admonished, when guessing how much money
is in a jar full of $1 bills, not to use cents!
The way I came up with the $118 was that I have a stack of 59 bills in front of me and I was thinking that
about double that would be in the jar. Also if you calculate backwards... with the current government's
tax policies, if you start with $118 and take away federal income tax, state income tax, state sales tax and
property tax... you would be lucky to have $34.99 left afterwards!
Happy 4th to everyone! Enjoy those barbecues before the CA-Proposition 65 Extortion Attorneys from
out of state and their CA-Resident Phantom Plaintiffs come along to sue you for preparing flame grilled
I'm going to guess $331.00, and I was referred here from SondraK.com.
It is a trick question.
It has to do with Obama so it is an illusion. There is no money, Obama is keeping it all.
Via SondraK
$700 Billion (cost of TARP)
Course after the obama tax plan it will be just enough to buy a double scoup butterscotch sunday at the local tastie-freeze.
If I win donate it to Sondra (yea, she's gotta pay the taxes on it too).
referrer Chipotle.
Wow! I haven't won anything since WWII. Would it be ok if I gave the Leninade to PeggyU and the cap to SondraK? These ladies are much more deserving than I.........
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