Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
If you want to explore this further, we suggest Oleg at The People's Cube:
Why is it that in the previous decades, when life was tougher, guns were just as available, and the ratio of mental disorders was about the same, mass shootings were unheard of? Some would say that those people had not yet been corrupted by moral relativism, desensitized by Hollywood's fantasy violence and glorification of crime, nor addicted to gory point-and-shoot videogames. All valid points - yet one major reason for this hardly gets any notice. I mean, of course, the dehumanizing effect of the so-called "progressive" education.
The truth is that the radical "progressive" ideology (a broad term embracing many offshoots of Marxism) dehumanizes people more effectively than any violent point-and-shoot video game ever could. It pits various groups of people against one another by cultivating envy and grievances that are mostly imaginary and second-hand. In the politically correct book of "progress," man is no longer judged by the content of his character - but by the color of his skin, class, income, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other secondary attribute. The trick is that when a secondary attribute becomes the primary one, man loses his unique individuality and becomes a mere social function, a drone in a collective, a peg in the machine, a sacrificial animal on the altar of "progress."
"Progressivism" remains more or less benign as long the nation on which exists like a parasite remains wealthy. But as soon as the wealth is squandered and there are no surpluses left to redistribute, human sacrifice begins.
Hat owner, Wild Bill, chimes in on gun free zones:
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Here is their blog post announcing the great news. You'll see a big red button that says Donate on this page. Their average escape requires $2500 in funding.
Is there a better option for your charity dollars?
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Our Dear Leader gave Romney all the campaign fodder he'll need for 2012 when he said last week:
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.
When you staff your campaign office, speech writers and teleprompter crews with marxists, you are bound to say something like this. Is there anyone with critical thinking skills left in the White House? Is there anyone paying attention to the message? Are there any Democrats left who know you drop the marxist crap and act like a conservative when you are this close to an election?
Well, if you blame others for your failures it only follows that you give credit to others for your success.
Here is an old photo posted at English Russia of a shop keeper who knew who to thank for his success:
Stalin: for the unplowed road that he used to walk to work.
Stalin: for the boots that allowed him to walk on the unplowed road to work.
Stalin: for the hats that allow his customers to stand in line in sub-zero tempuratures.
Stalin: for the glorious selections of sausage and sausage.
Stalin: for the vodka he drank when the sausage ran out and he had three days off before the next delivery.
UPDATE 5:50pm:
Illustr8r at IOTW is on a roll with this theme. Here are three:
Wright Brothers
Thomas Edison
Henry Ford
UPDATED 6:10pm:
Obama's comment about the Internet and how the government developed it for profitable purposes almost got a rise out of us. But when a marxist says marxist things to his marxist supporters who don't care about accuracy or truth as much as they care about their EBT cards and sleeping in 7 days a week, it isn't worth a comment.
Gun Blogger, Alphecca, however, did respond to the dual lie: 1) that Obama and his fellow looters were the ones to pay for the infrastructure that entrepreneurs use to get rich when it was the previous rich who paid for it with their taxes, and 2) that the Internet was developed for business.
Actually, the early roots of the Internet go back to DARPA for defense purposes, but the more modern version started to take form when universities began connecting to each other (ARPANET). Whether that involved government money or not is irrelevant because government money is our money, our tax dollars. The original intent of the Internet was the exchange of information, research, etc. It was private entrepreneurs who figured out how to make money from the Internet.
We'd add a 3rd lie: Obama and liberals are always telling us how smart they are, but how many of them take advantage of the government's generosity, in the form of streets or Internet, to make their own money? Why did they build all this stuff only to whine and complain, and envy those who do?
The blood pressure is low, but we have been pissed in a prolonged fashion since we heard this quote. Let's just say, our Obama Cuss Jar has runneth over....
If you’ve been a successful athlete, you didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, “well it must be because I worked hard at getting in shape”. There are a lot of in shape people out there. “It must be because I worked harder than my competitors.” Let me tell you something, there are a whole bunch of hardworking athletes out there. If you made it to the Olympics, somebody along the line gave you some help. If you receive a medal, you didn’t earn that. Somebody else made that happen.
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
The Hammer and Sickle symbols started showing in more and more political cartoons.
The "he's a commie" (Obama & Edwards) and "she's a commie" (Hillary) whispers became loud declarations.
What later was named our Commie Obama Hat was accepted among mainstream conservatives. Glenn Beck wore it on his CNN show a couple times. Ann Coulter wore her hat at a CPAC speech. We were in fear of losing our "activist" label!
Now in 2012, our hat has it's own Facebook page. Definitely a sign that the hat has lost its edge!
So you can imagine we weren't overly surprised to see these unrelated (?) videos on the topic:
Paul Kengor is coming out with a new book this week called The Communist. It is a book about Obama's childhood mentor, pedophile and communist Frank Marshall Davis. Paul explains:
And Congressman, and hat owner, Allen West has chosen to keep the fight in defining his political opponents on the left:
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
He knows there are conservatives out there dissatisfied with Romney and crave an exciting VP pick similar to Palin VP pick of 2008.
This has been the Drudge top link since last night:
Our question for Drudge: Why did you push for Romney in the first place?
We are a big fan of Condi. For one, she loves America and everything it stands for. Ask any Dem if that is true about them.
Her foreign policy experience sets the standard. The Dem's bench has no one equal, and there are few Republicans who are equivalent.
In Bush's later years where he let liberals like Colin Powell dilute the war strategy, Condi was the loyal aide who made the best of it. Those policies were wrong, but the nation's mood would not allow the right policies. Obama's ilk will try to use this to paint her as either inept and/or inconsistent, but will be speechless when asked why they continued those same Bush policies.
Her domestic attributes will stun the population if she is allowed to speak. Her story of her father standing on their front yard with a shotgun to protect her family from the Democrat KKK is more authentic and educational than Obama's supposed Selma march. She has lived the American Dream where hard work and good decision-making skills can result in a rewarding life. Let her be the roll model black women have been denied by the Democrat race-baiters.
Supposedly she is pro-choice. It will be interesting to see if that is used to demoralize the conservatives. While many vote on that issue alone, we wonder how many people who would vote Republican would stay home. In other words, would this single-issue-crowd avoid this critical election over this issue?