As the Russians are preparing for their May Day Parade, we offer our second annual May Day Obama Cuss Jar contest!

There will be TWO WINNERS: you, and the blogger or source who sent you here! Both will get the Commie Obama Rally Cap and Bottle of Leninade - the two most coveted bourgeois trophies of the Obama Revolution!
Add your guess in the comments below. Guesses MUST consist of a dollar value guess (no cents) AND the name of the referrer. If you don't have a referrer, pick one of the cool bloggers in our Blogroll!
One guess per person please.
Contest ends at noon EST on Sunday.
If two guesses are equal - one higher and one lower by the same amount - the tie goes to the lower.
The first of duplicate guesses will be considered.
The jar is 10 inches tall, and 7 inches in diameter.
The jar contains 10 $100 bills and an unknown quantity of $1 bills. $1000 converted into $100 bills on December 14, 2009.
Previous Cuss Jar Contests: July 2009, $124, May Day 2010, $602, December 2010, $978.
A classic:
See more pictures of the hat at the hat store.
Ushanka Tips to those linking to our contest: Andrea Shea-King, IOwnTheWorld, The People's Cube.
Happy May Day, and may the best Comrade-Blogger team win!

Russian pictures from EnglishRussia.
UPDATE The guess is for the total $$ in the jar, including the $1000 in $100 bills at the bottom. We will ignore low guesses and accept new guesses from those same people! Sorry for the confusion!
UPDATESome are reporting errors when trying to post their comment. Please email us at ushanka.us@gmail.com and we'll post for you. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
UPDATE - May Day, Noon
We have our winners!
Simply Amazed, from IOTW with the guess of $1,341. The total in the jar is $1340.
IOwnTheWorld is the winning blog!
Honorable Mention:
Milwaukee Mike from IOTW $1342
Beethovenqueen from IOTW, $1344
Col. Angun from IOTW, $1334
Melody from IOTW, 1350
Left Coast Dan from Doug Ross, #1328
Cotton Picking Cracker from IOTW, $1324
We look forward to an election year May Day contest next year. If you can't wait that long, you can alway grab a hat at CommieObama.com!
Tom Kovach, an Andrea Shea-King fan, emails in his guess: $1,224.
Tom's Blog: http://tomkovach.us/CB-4v1/
Jim Parkinson came over from IOTW and guessed $1,247.
Edith McCrotch from iOTW guesses $1214.00
Cotton Pickin' Cracker from IOTW
guess $1324.00
The Doktor's (from IOTW) wife says $2,012.
fb from IOTW - 1,549
Hi Karl! *Waves*
Angry Pancreas from iOTW.
I say $1,001
Col. Angus
from iOTW
scr_north trundles in from iOwnTheWorld to guess $1,396 dollars. Bows to all, and stumbles out into Friday Night.
Beethovenqueen sent by IOTW!
cfm990 @ IOTW. $1398.00
but no matter how much is in there, ain't near 'nuff cussin' 'bout gOOfbama!
sez the Royal couple who wisely did not invite him to their big event today!
Mal Mal function (IOTW) sez $1240 on the dot.
Pigskinner an iOTW slacker, would like to go completly nuts and say $2012
Melody IOTW
$1,114 (not enough to retire on)
The People's Cube dragged me here
$1472.00 If that is a good guess, I am from IOTW. If it is a dumb guess, I am from the Huffington Post.
IOTW sends heys
montana_jim says: $1,811.00
an IOTW fan
simply amazed
Steve from IOTW - $1482
Pickled Liver from IOTW guesses it at $1,876
$1297. Dave C... came from IOTW.
Merry Poppet, sent by I Own The World
$1052.00 ... came here from iOTW
From iOTW.
Ima Souperconservative stopped by via IOTW and guessed $1,248.00
NastyNat from IOTW says $1279 in the Cuss Jar !
Sapper Chris from IOTW - There is $1739 in the jar.
I would be guessin 1207
Doc, from iOTW.
Feather from IOTW guesses $1496
came in from IOTW
Some are reporting problems posting to the contest. You may email your guess and blog and we'll get it posted. Email address at top right.
BigFurHat reports the following guesses from IOTW:
CFM90 1398
wcgree 1114 - People's Cube
Nunya 2052
Left Coast Dan 1328 - Doug Ross
ScratchNSniff 1453
Webonot 1894
Melody 1350 - Atlas Shrugged
IOPlan 1507
Shmidtlap 1776
fb 1549
external cracker p 1183
Angry Pancreas 2001
Pigskinner 2012
We added $1000 to the guesses that were around $1000 or less, assuming they did not read the fine print saying there is $1000 in the jar in $100 bills.
iotw whiskey jack: $1286
xplodeit from iotw guesses $1231.00
Jim(Boba Fett) from IOTW: $1434.00
LadyGun12: $1301 from iOTW
from IOTW
Buster Brown from IOTW guessed $1538
sent by IOTW
sent by IOTW:
99th Squad Leader here and fan of IOTW, Andrea Shear-King and Ushanka guesses: $1919.00
$1351. Sent by IOTW
Notgonnasay say's it's $1,736 after seeing it at IOTW
Piker from IOTW
Diogenes Sarcastica from IOTW guesses - $1573.00
$1961 from an iOTW fan.
jclady from IOTW guesses $1,198.
Milwaukee Mike from IOTW guesses $1.342.
Karl, do you really cuss that much? Is that a month's worth? A year's worth? LOL!!
1643 Brian the great fro iOTW
Vegas Steve from IOTW sent in $1440
$1178 ThePeoplesCube.com
I come from Glorious People's Cube. Greetings comrades. There are the equivalent of $2,035 ......that is two thousand thirty five imperial kapitalist US dollars (and no one hundredthsin the jar.
$1,501 from ThePeoplesCube.com
This smacks of some sort of Capitalist enterprise.
Merry May Day Everyone.
Peoples Cube
@@@@ Obama
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