Hostess Brands, makers of Twinkies, Ding Dongs and other key nutritional foods are liquidating after The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) insisted on an 8% raise for their workers after Hostess's 2nd bankrupcy filing in 8 years.
Hostess was not too big to fail.

18,000 Hostess workers joined BCTGM. 18,000 workers supported BCTGM. 18,000 workers are now out of a job.
Worse for them: They are in Kansas. A state that has pounded state-level Democrat politicians into dust.
Video from three days ago. One striker: "As long as it takes!" Apparently it took 3 more days.
The workers of the world united at Hostess. Oh well. Just another 18,000 out of work in Obama's America. Lucky for them we are "back from the brink."
As ZeroHedge notes (with our corrections):
Twinkies may well survive the nuclear apocalypse, but there was one weakest link: the company making them was unable to survive empowered labor unions who thought they had all the negotiating leverage... until they led their bankrupt employer right off the liquidation cliff.
Second image comes from BCTGM's site.
UPDATED 11:30am:
We are back from our trip to Walmart with good news Comrades!
Walmart sells their own Twinkie brand!
So the result of the union's decision to strike themselves out of a job means we will now be forced to pay over a dollar less for the Walmart Twinkies made by non-union labor and sold at a non-union store where most of these 18,000 out-of-work union members likely shop.

Full Disclosure: We bought that box of Hostess Twinkies. You have permission to yell "Hypocrite."
UPDATED and BUMPED 11.17.12:
Wonka's Chocolate Factory was a non-union shop. When did you ever see an ompaloopa go on break?

And the news has spread to April 1944 Germany:
UPDATED 11.20:
and more...

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