Comrade Zhukov and I are at Wrigley tonight for the Big Turn-Around rout of the century. And Comrade Forney will be in attendance!

Zhukov and I packed our car earlier today for the drive to the nation's second largest gun-free zone - where our safety is guaranteed by Democrats. I think we're ready . . .
We were sitting in the car . . .
Karl: It is 300 miles to Wrigley Field. we have a full tank of gas, it is dark outside, and we're wearing sunglasses.
Zhukov: Hit it.
I packed some of my favorite tunes for the trip.
Zhukov and I will be frequenting the Wrigley bars. We'll be watching the game on TV . . . just like the Cardinals.
Congratulations to the 2015 Cubs. No matter what happens this week, it was a great year.
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