Saturday, October 03, 2015

Odd Sense of Humor Required

As I was reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's three-volume masterpiece, The Gulag Archipelago, I often found myself snickering as I read the depressing stories.  Why?

Solzhenitsyn has a light-hearted way of describing his experiences in the Gulag.  Dark humor, perhaps.? Or, more matter-of-fact humor from a dark period?  Either way, his style eased my suffering and pushed me through the three volumes with ease. 

If you see the humor in this image, then you understand.

And if you see the humor in Glorious Hat, you understand.

Glorious Hat has not always led to smiles.  Some don't understand it.  Others, like G. Gordon Liddy who turned down a free hat in 2008, understand it, but don't want to deal with others who don't.  I continue to try to define the humor behind the hat, and here is another attempt.
Picture #2 above and the hat each have a funny side and a serious message.

The funny side of Picture #2 is that the quotes are reversed, but that the terrorist on the left is otherwise equal to the murderer on the right.  They both represent the dead end of the slippery slope that is liberalism.

The funny side of the hat is that it mocks the Democrat Party as being full of Communists.  Mockery, of course, only works if it addresses something that is true.  And, well, it is true.  See the other 3343 Ushanka posts if you are in doubt.

The serious side of Picture #2 is that both men have evil inspirations and both men act on those inspirations.

The serious side of the hat is that the Democrat Party is determined to destroy America using the always-failing always-destructive scourge of Socialism.
But don't worry if you don't get it.
If you don't get the joke behind Picture #2, you will the day you are herded like a sheep by an active shooter.

And if you don't get the joke behind the hat, you will on your first day of Re-Education.


Top photo: Comrades Aaron Clarey (Captain Capitalism) and Davis Aurini (Stares at the World).

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