Friday, August 31, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 66 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 67 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Some express themselves with art.
We designed the most sexy and mocking hat in the history of political novelties. That was our contribution.
Artist Jon McNaughton paints. Here is his latest painting:
U/T: The Morning Spew
Tampa - Day #2
Having canceled cable over a year ago, we're forced to bypass the commercials for GM cars and feminine products, and instead select only the speeches we want to watch on YouTube.
How is the convention going so far? It could be better. Missing from every speech:
Of the speeches we have watched, the speech by Condi Rice has been the best.
Here is her speech from last night, and here is our tribute post to Dr. Rice from July.
U/T: BattlegroundWatch
How is the convention going so far? It could be better. Missing from every speech:
"I want to thank those who attended your local Tea Parties
for your outrage, courage, organization, and love of country.
If it wasn't for the Tea Parties, we wouldn't be here."
Of the speeches we have watched, the speech by Condi Rice has been the best.
Here is her speech from last night, and here is our tribute post to Dr. Rice from July.
U/T: BattlegroundWatch
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wednesday Afternoon Cigar
We smoked a PG as we celebrated capitalism and the good vibes coming out of the Republican Convention in Tampa.

Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 68 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Hurricane Issac
The Comrades in the MSM are doing everything they can to distract from what is said in Tampa this week.
We're not sure this strategy will work. If conservatism is on display in at the Republican Convention in Tampa and an American who has been unemployed for the past 2-3 years and who has lost his house or watched his home value plummet doesn't tune in, will it matter?

The Liberals Progressives Communists in the Democrat Party and Media are desperate, and it is fun to watch!
We're not sure this strategy will work. If conservatism is on display in at the Republican Convention in Tampa and an American who has been unemployed for the past 2-3 years and who has lost his house or watched his home value plummet doesn't tune in, will it matter?

Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 69 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 70 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Suggestions for Students

Skousen offers advice to parents, teachers, students, business leaders, legislators, media, and ministers. We will post each of 12 suggestions to students at our FaceBook Commie Obama Hat page over the next 12 days. "Like" us there to see all 12!
Here is the first:
The mind of the student is considered a major battlefield by Communist strategists. The Communist conquest of a country is always preceded by the extensive activities of "converted intellectuals." However, the most vigorous antagonists of Communism are some of these same intellectuals who have been disillusioned and returned to the side of freedom.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 71 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 72 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Obama's America - The Movie BUMPED
[orig post 8.23 2:26pm]
In theaters tonight at midnight:
U/T: Dinesh D'Souza
UPDATED and BUMPED 8.25 1pm:
Just watched the movie.
Great presentation of the facts, personalities and timelines. Clearly designed for the 2008 Obama voter in mind - gentle, yet direct.
Not sure how this movie will effect votes or voter turnout, but nice to see something from our side in the theaters. We're sure Michael Moore is cooking something from his end...
In theaters tonight at midnight:
U/T: Dinesh D'Souza
UPDATED and BUMPED 8.25 1pm:
Just watched the movie.
Great presentation of the facts, personalities and timelines. Clearly designed for the 2008 Obama voter in mind - gentle, yet direct.
Not sure how this movie will effect votes or voter turnout, but nice to see something from our side in the theaters. We're sure Michael Moore is cooking something from his end...
Friday, August 24, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 73 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Why Gas Prices are High
Short answer: Liberals Socialists.
Longer answer:
Canada has an estimated 176 billion barrels of oil in their Oil Sands deposits.

You see, the environmentalism card is the only card she can play to hold the pipeline hostage. But the purpose has nothing to do with the environment. She, like most liberal politicians, is desperate to pad her bankrupt public pensions to buy just a little more time. Popoff explains:
Read it all here.
U/T: Mischa Popoff
Longer answer:
Canada has an estimated 176 billion barrels of oil in their Oil Sands deposits.

Canada wanted to sell this oil to the US. The US president dithered on the proposed Keystone Pipeline, and in November 2011 decided to punt his possible approval to 2013.

Oil has other buyers, and fast-growing Communist China is thirsty for more oil. Canada is now building a pipeline West, instead of South. Read more at Bloomberg (Jan 2012) and Breitbart (Jun 2012). Photo from Salon.

The wikipedia map below shows the global oil reserves with darker purple showing larger reserves. The only other dark spot in our hemisphere is Communist Venezuela. One wonders what negotiating strategy President Obama is using for getting oil in the quantities and prices best for the US.

Our socialist president says no to a new and plentiful oil source in our region. Communist China steps up and the oil is diverted West. But now a new wrinkle - Canadian socialists.
Ushanka.us friend Mischa Popoff writes in The American Thinker about the efforts to squeeze as much out of the new Westward pipeline as possible by the Premier of British Columbia, Christy Clark.

Clark is predicting all sorts of disasters that could occur if a pipeline running across her province were to spring a leak. But I can guarantee you it's all just a bunch of trumped-up, phony-baloney environmental posturing, because after all, she's stating pretty clearly that more money will solve the problem.
No...not more money to ensure that the pipeline won't burst, or more money in some sort of environmental-protection contingency fund that could be drawn upon at such time as there is a leak. No, silly -- Premier Clark simply wants more money in her general-revenue coffers so she can spend it right away, and hopefully get herself re-elected.
No...not more money to ensure that the pipeline won't burst, or more money in some sort of environmental-protection contingency fund that could be drawn upon at such time as there is a leak. No, silly -- Premier Clark simply wants more money in her general-revenue coffers so she can spend it right away, and hopefully get herself re-elected.
You see, the environmentalism card is the only card she can play to hold the pipeline hostage. But the purpose has nothing to do with the environment. She, like most liberal politicians, is desperate to pad her bankrupt public pensions to buy just a little more time. Popoff explains:
Never mind that this province's public sector currently costs taxpayers more than $3 billion across 90 largely useless government agencies.
Never mind that public-sector wages and benefits far exceed anything you'll ever get in the private sector.
Never mind that public-sector employees work shorter hours and retire earlier than anyone in the private sector.
Everyone in the private sector works hard to fund his retirement. Then we all work even harder to fund the public sector's retirements.
Never mind that public-sector wages and benefits far exceed anything you'll ever get in the private sector.
Never mind that public-sector employees work shorter hours and retire earlier than anyone in the private sector.
Everyone in the private sector works hard to fund his retirement. Then we all work even harder to fund the public sector's retirements.
Read it all here.
U/T: Mischa Popoff
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 74 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 75 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Election Indicator?
Amazon has mapped the political book-buying of America at their Amazon Election Heat Map 2012.
Is the map red because readers are favoring the conservative message?
Or, has it always been red because the other side doesn't read?

Will we hear a call for the redistribution of political reading?
Will we hear of a stimulus package that will buy lefty books for the less fortunate?
Or, to make things easier for Obama, will we hear for a national book-burning day?
Whatever the reasons for this trend, it appears that Obama has indeed succeeded in turning this country red in his first term.
Is the map red because readers are favoring the conservative message?
Or, has it always been red because the other side doesn't read?

Will we hear of a stimulus package that will buy lefty books for the less fortunate?
Or, to make things easier for Obama, will we hear for a national book-burning day?
Whatever the reasons for this trend, it appears that Obama has indeed succeeded in turning this country red in his first term.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 76 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 77 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
The glorious tablet revolution has started in North Korea!
Apple, HP, Microsoft and Google must stop stealing the dear leader's intellectual property and immediately transfer all profits-to-date to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Don't ask for a 3G or 4G model. Cell service is a filthy bourgeois service that has led to lazy hope and change mentality across the globe, although authorities are considering a 1G cell tower outside the dear leader's Pyongyang estate.
Apple, HP, Microsoft and Google must stop stealing the dear leader's intellectual property and immediately transfer all profits-to-date to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
Don't ask for a 3G or 4G model. Cell service is a filthy bourgeois service that has led to lazy hope and change mentality across the globe, although authorities are considering a 1G cell tower outside the dear leader's Pyongyang estate.

Newsweek, We're Not Buying It
As an avid watcher of the communist inspirations coming from our so-called main stream media, we call BullS**t on the news magazine that recently sold for $1. (not a magazine, the company!)
Check out our Headline Analysis videos in the Campaigns section to the left, or click the MSM link at the bottom of this post, to get a feel for our understanding of their tactics.

Newsweek's issue this week will not change the fact that every Newsweek employee, writer, and editor will support Obama in November. Once they are reminded of their core values, such as abortion or abortion, they will fall in line and make up other reasons to justify their renewed support for our dear leader's re-election.
It costs Newsweek one issue to give them the defense that they are objective. Or fair and balanced. Or whatever. A liberal is a liberal, and the entire MSM is filled with liberals as the MSM continually forgives bad judgement.
We'd suggest Newsweek doubled their valuation with this edition, but who'd want to own and run a $2 business in Obama's America? You didn't print that!
UPDATED 7:45pm:
Big Hairy News makes some small edits to the cover.

Check out our Headline Analysis videos in the Campaigns section to the left, or click the MSM link at the bottom of this post, to get a feel for our understanding of their tactics.

It costs Newsweek one issue to give them the defense that they are objective. Or fair and balanced. Or whatever. A liberal is a liberal, and the entire MSM is filled with liberals as the MSM continually forgives bad judgement.
We'd suggest Newsweek doubled their valuation with this edition, but who'd want to own and run a $2 business in Obama's America? You didn't print that!
UPDATED 7:45pm:
Big Hairy News makes some small edits to the cover.

Movie: Seoul Train
Catherine the Great and I watched the 2005 movie Seoul Train last night (Netflix). A good documentary of the efforts of North Koreans to escape to South Korea. And a good comparison to our Underground Railroad.

North Koreans face a two-stage escape that is cruel beyond words. To get to South Korea, they must flee North to Communist China, then flee China.

Stage one is to make their way to the Chinese border in a closed police state. If they make it to the border, they likely did so with bribes, and yet more bribes are necessary with the border guards. Currency, and items of value to trade, are nearly absent from the North Korean environment. It is the most desperate of efforts by any human to succeed at this first stage.

Stage two is to pass through China. China actively pursues North Korean refugees and will repatriate them to a guaranteed Gulag term. If the refugee was caught with a Christian aid group or other Western aid group where they could be corrupted with visions of liberty, they are executed upon return to North Korea. China knows that these people are welcome in South Korea and also know that they face prison and/or death if returned to North Korea. Women, who make up 75% of the refugees, are often 'trapped' when they cross into China and sold into the sex trade. The luckiest are those with family in South Korea who coordinate with aid groups like LiNK to bring their relatives out.
The documentary does a great job of identifying the human rights abuses of China, and the impotent and incompetent UN Refugee Agency (UNHRC) which is charged with helping North Koreans. The documentary also shows hidden camera footage from inside North Korea.
The Seoul Train DVD is over $200, but free on Netflix.
Map from LiNk.

Stage one is to make their way to the Chinese border in a closed police state. If they make it to the border, they likely did so with bribes, and yet more bribes are necessary with the border guards. Currency, and items of value to trade, are nearly absent from the North Korean environment. It is the most desperate of efforts by any human to succeed at this first stage.

The documentary does a great job of identifying the human rights abuses of China, and the impotent and incompetent UN Refugee Agency (UNHRC) which is charged with helping North Koreans. The documentary also shows hidden camera footage from inside North Korea.
The Seoul Train DVD is over $200, but free on Netflix.
Map from LiNk.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 78 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Chart of the Day - The Euro
ZeroHedge shows us who benefitted from the Euro, and who paid dearly. It appears between years 2000 and 2010 Germany has carried the entire continent. In coming days we may see Germany close her wallet, and rightfully so.
(Click image to see full size at Zerohedge)
(Click image to see full size at Zerohedge)
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 79 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 80 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Ryan in Ohio! UPDATED & BUMPED
[orig post 8.15 6:45pm]
8.17 UPDATE - Report from Dimitri:
Photos taken by two Ushanka operatives who were at the Ryan event in Oxford Ohio on Wednesday.
Gov. Kasich and Sen. Portman

Cross-posted by Doug Ross, NiceDeb and InstaPundit.
8.17 UPDATE - Report from Dimitri:
Breaking the chains of laughter listening to VP Biden and bored standing in line for unemployment …decided why not stand in line and listen to the next guy who wants this VP seat – a large crowd queued for a half mile or so to squeeze into a square lawn area bounded by buildings on the campus at Miami University in Oxford, OH …not Oz but close enough …when I got to the gates of the Emerald City I was scanned by security and then allowed to rehydrate with provided water bottles, in the warm evening air and on a familiar campus where Paul Ryan had obtained a double major in Business & Poli-Sci, Congressman Ryan was welcomed by a friendly crowd as well as by his former Business Professor, Ohio’s Gov. Kasich & US Senator Rob Portman. The university’s color - red was predominant in the crowd and in that ‘see of red’ Ryan discussed our country and his forward hopeful outlook that using fiscally sound and reasonable policies we could get the economy back on track in the black …out of an unprecedented and outright scary multi-trillion dollar sea of red spending. - Dimitri
Photos taken by two Ushanka operatives who were at the Ryan event in Oxford Ohio on Wednesday.
Gov. Kasich and Sen. Portman
Obama's America: lines and more lines:
Ladies and Gentlemen, the next Vice President of the United States. Paul Ryan!
USA Today article about Ryan's speech, and another at WBUR (via NPR).
Here is a video of Romney's "Unhinged" statements here in Ohio from Monday, via NiceDeb:
Here is a video of Romney's "Unhinged" statements here in Ohio from Monday, via NiceDeb:
Cross-posted by Doug Ross, NiceDeb and InstaPundit.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 81 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Gray State
"The Second American Revolution May Not Be Remembered"
An old Army buddy showed me this trailer yesterday.
Contribute at IndiGogo.
MF Global - No Criminal Charges

It seems to be getting harder for some to argue the rule of law is intact in America's banking and financial services industries.
Our previous MF Global posts:
October 31, 2011 - First news of MF Global
November 1, 2011 - First news of MF Global
November 4, 2011 - Prelude to Anarchy
November 17, 2011 - Ann Barnhardt Resigns
December 7, 2011 - MF Impact on You
December 24, 2011 - British Investor Losses
February 29, 1012 - call for "1000 indictments"
March 29, 2012 - Edith O'Brien
This post inspired by hat owner Ann Barnhardt's recent interview with Warren Pollock.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 82 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Gratuitous Election Countdown Image - 83 Days

Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
A Bad Sign
We are glad we didn't invest in Facebook when it IPO'd, but that doesn't mean we don't like their model.

Advertisers can setup advertisements for specific groups and interests. It is the most focused and powerful ad tool out there, which is why we are surprised at their weak showing since their IPO.

So we were setting up an ad for our super cool Commie Obama Hats, and the FB system gave us this market size:

That is something our Dear Leader wishes to be true!
The number is far higher, and we're actively putting more hats on heads thanks to Facebook.