The unions continue to pour money into the election, if only to keep up appearances. Bill Clinton came to speak today, but we'er not sure what he said. The news sources that we trust are all talking about the Walker supporter in the crowd.

David Willoughby was the sole Walker supporter in the crowd of union thugs and union [thug] police. He was arrested and removed from the crowd without having committed a crime.
A Buzzfeed article shares two rumors for the arrest: 1) he pointed at a police officer, and 2) his sign came within 30 feet of our most recently impeached president, a democrat. Pretty weak, and an obvious display of force by unions.
Unions (Democrats) will do everything they can to win an election... Except promote a candidate who actually represents 51% or more of the people in his character, history, actions, values and beliefs.
Found through IOTW.
Wisconsin blogger, Ann Althouse, has a post on this too. Via Glenn.
Video found at Radio Patriot:
We are looking forward to Tuesday.
What will they say? "We didn't get our message out." "We were outspent." "David Willoughby became a distraction."
Tomorrow is the day!
Video of protester and his arrest. U/T: Pinko at IOTW.
UPDATED 6.5.12:
Today is the day, and the word "Cry" is being used in headlines. We'll have a separate post tomorrow on the results and any additional crying.

But wanted to post this screenshot of today's Drudge headline. Is this what we'll see on election day in November too? Will complaints of unfair voting conditions be the
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