So ObamaCare was ruled constitutional yesterday by the Supreme Court.
It appears the Court did all they could do to maneuver around the Constitution in order to give a thumbs up.
The Administration sent a lawyer to defend it who couldn't complete a sentence. All the 'smart' people on the right said he failed.
The legislation required citizens subjects to buy health coverage. This was the first time ever that a law required citizens subjects to purchase a service.
All the 'smart' people on the right said this was unconstitutional.
By definition, this vote makes ObamaCare constitutional.
To those 'smart' people on the right - why should we look to you ever again as a 'legal expert'?
To those 'smart' people on the right - why didn't you see what the Supreme Court Justices saw?
To those 'smart' people on the right - why wasn't this decision discussed as a possibility?
Another from Eric Holder via People's Cube:
"Fast and Furious was a tax."
Prof. Jacobson posted this audio of Mark Levin, who shares our anger over the SCOTUS decision.
Quote of the day (2:35 mark):
Chief Justice Roberts saved ObamaCare despite its multiple Constitutional violations.
Some well-meaning people are peddling the notion that today’s Obamacare decision was a long term victory, that we lost the battle but won the war, that there was some master plan by Chief Justice Roberts to gut the expansion of Commerce Clause power under the fig leaf of a majority ruling upholding the mandate under Congress’s taxing power.
If this were some other more narrow law, if this was not a monumental takeover of the most private aspects of our lives, if this monstrosity would not cause such long term damage to our health care system, if this law was not Obamacare ….
I might be inclined to agree with you.
But it is Obamacare, it is the takeover of a substantial portion of our economy which empowers the federal government to write tens of thousands of pages of regulations telling us how to live and how to die. This was the hill to fight on for any conservative Justice of the Supreme Court.
Yet because the conservative Chief Justice sided with the liberal Justices on the result, we have Obamacare.
Whether the Chief Justice did it out of good faith belief in the correctness of his opinion (which is what I believe) or as part of some master plan (the theory some are peddling), the result is the same: Until further notice Obamacare is the law of the land.
Sure, we now are motivated for November. And maybe in the end we will get rid of Obamacare. But that is then and this is now.
UPDATED and BUMPED 6.30 9pm:
Drudge headline: "Experts eat crow after Supreme Court ruling..." links to The Hill's article: Experts eat crow after the healthcare ruling that only lists a few names: Alberto Gonzales, Ilya Solmin, Kevin Walsh, and Jeffrey Toobin.
Ann Barnhardt responds to Republicans who see a silver lining in this SCOTUS case:
Do you people not have functioning brains? Is there truly no capacity for any intelligent thought or the ability to recall and parse objective facts and evidence? Really?
Chief Justice John Roberts emotionally operates on the same level as the average twelve year old girl, and just sold out not just the Republic, the Constitution and the entire American populace, but really the entire planet, because now that the United States is no more, the forces of evil will run absolutely rampant over the rest of the planet.
--- Roberts just ratified the “right” for the government to tax people on their existence. Either you purchase a service commodity, thus paying a tax which is collected by the insurance company itself, or you will pay a tax to the IRS directly.
Oh, but all of the dumbasses out there swear up and down that this step in the battle for the Republic had to be lost so that we could later, in some grand strategy, win the war.
Listen dumbasses, the war is already lost. YOU JUST LOST IT. You didn’t just sac your queen in order to set up a checkmate. Your ass just got checkmated and Barry Obama is sitting on the couch lighting up a joint, and texting Reggie Love to come over for a little celebratory
Bottom line, if you continue to argue that Roberts’ decision was anything less than the end of the Republic, then you are either a total jackass, or you are despicable liar looking to keep some stream of revenue or power concentration flowing. And may God forgive you for whichever sin you choose to wallow in; unrepentant cowardice, unrepentant willful stupidity or unrepentant greed; because, knowing what’s coming, I’m not sure I can.
The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequences:
1. from bondage to spiritual faith;
2. from spiritual faith to great courage;
3. from courage to liberty;
4. from liberty to abundance;
5. from abundance to complacency;
6. from complacency to apathy;
7. from apathy to dependence;
8. from dependence back into bondage
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
She escaped to China, and like most female defectors, was captured by sex-traders and sold as a wife.
North Koreans live in fear in China as they can be sent back to North Korea which means detention in their Gulag system. Execution occurs if defectors came in contact with Christian missionaries in China.
She lived that life for 9 years and had two children.
Her second escape was to South Korea via the aid organization LiNK - Liberty in North Korea.
Here is LiNK's blog post with a big DONATE button at the bottom.
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Will ObamaCare win and America lose? Or will the idea of liberty be refreshed? Tomorrow's universal mandated tryannical government healthcare decision will be the only news.
Some will not sleep well tonight. Some won't sleep at all.
We sorta feel like a small child on Christmas Eve....
Twas the night before SCOTUS, when all through the white house , Not a creature was stirring, not even the louse. The fake outrage was prepped by Axelrod with care, But still hoping that Karl Marx soon would be there.
The commies were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of redistribution danced in their heads. Sasquatch in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled our brains for tonight's fitful nap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I put down my choom to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The twin plumps Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, Were playing softball and quoting Reagan. "Man is not free unless government is limited." Government healthcare should be prohibited.
Obama pondered their comments, was this a sign? Will tomorrows SCOTUS announcement be a whopping decline? Maybe I can distract with a trip to Colorado, A story of my first date, or the hate for this mulatto.
Wild Bill is the latest to take on one of the favorite comparisons of brain-dead government-school liberalsprogressives communists: Political options in European 20th Century compare equally to the options American voters face today. In other words:
The Soviets were the left (Democrats), and the Nazis were the "right" (Republicans).
Just because you went to public school does not mean you are excused from knowing how stupid this argument is.
In 20th Century Europe there were two options: Fascism and Communism.
We will have only two options in November: Communism or Freedom.
A great article, but we wanted to praise Andrew for another reason. His hook.
There are three types of writers. Anyone can write an article. Some can put a hook at the start that captures the reader. And then there are some who can master the hook, and write an article that pulls the reader through.
Here is his hook:
As everything President Obama touches turns to crap, we begin to hear more and more leftist attacks on Mitt Romney the man.
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Just another conversation about the economic peril we find ourselves in, with about 70% of the conversation focusing on the historical parallels with Communism.
Communism. As in the total loss of freedom and wealth.
Communism. As in thousands dead per day.
It is about time our conversations about Europe's debacle, and the potential disaster here in the states, include historical precedents and the impact on freedom.
Trying to laugh at those who are calling Our Dear Leader a "socialist" continues to fall flat.
It is imperative for this strategy to work, as the election clock is ticking and those right-wingers must be thumped back into that state of embarrassment for their party and their candidate.
Having the above-average comedian Jon Stewart joke about this isn't even working. We can imagine that Comedy Central audience, sitting in the dark behind the cameras, all leaning forward biting their nails thinking "Come on Jon, use your magic and discredit those name callers." Puhllleeease!
There is a pattern. Lefties hit this subject from the same direction every time. They purposely avoid defining "socialism" whenever they choose to argue that Obama is not a socialist. Prepare yourself for a Nathan Thurm-like debate.
Click the label below, "Not a Socialist" to see a this pattern.
So what is the definition?
Amazingly, we saw this definition on the home page of the next site we visited, The Communist Party USA:
A point of clarity about the use of the world “socialism.” By socialism, we mean the goal of our struggle: a world free from exploitation, racism, war and oppression, a classless society. It is the peaceful, planned society that Albert Einstein referred to in his 1949 essay titled “Why Socialism?”
By socialism, we also mean the efforts to construct that society, including the experiences of those revolutions that have uprooted capitalism and began constructing a society in the interests of the working class—both the successes and the failures. In this sense, we are not referring to an ideal but to a historical project.
Third, by socialism we mean the revolutionary struggle to achieve the goal of a classless society. As several of the articles here point out, there is a ruling class in the United States that benefits enormously from the capitalist system of exploitation, and it will not give up its power without a fight. So while in 1848, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels could not call their essay the “Socialist Manifesto” for fear of being mistaken for the non-revolutionary socialists that then dominated the working-class landscape, today we see in socialism its original fighting program.
“But don’t you mean communism?” some might ask. The answer is yes. While Marx and Lenin distinguished communism as a classless society compared to socialism as a society where the state was withering away, we see the two as inextricably linked.
In other words, when we answer the question, “Why socialism?” we are answering why we need revolutionary change in the United States.
Did you see?
One commie site offers the argument, but does not include the definition. The latter two commie sites offer no argument, but a definition.
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
We just finished Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick and wanted to make a point to recommend this to anyone interested in the recent trends within North Korea.
Published in 2010, this book offers a review of what has changed in the communist country, and how things may play out. Specifically - a collapse.
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Breaking - Obama demands privilege with Fast & Furious documents, digs in heels with Holder.
What is the plan here? They know a contempt vote will happen this week. How do they plan to turn this into a campaign issue that will help their cause?
Kudos to Issa. We have a need for justice.
Of the blogs we'd go to for insight, only Michelle Malkin has posted so far.
And yes, this does give clear and unmistakable lie to the Holder spin that Fast and Furious was just a local, little nothing-burger contretemps out of Arizona that had nooooothing to do with DOJ and the executive branch. Executive privilege applies to communications in which the president, ahem, was directly involved.
Contempt: It’s what’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
UPDATE 3:45pm:
Facebook Friend Jack links to this video of South Carolina congressman Trey Gowdy explaining the charge with passion.
We're still unclear how this is helping the Obama 2012 campaign. Anyone who is committed to voting for Obama in 2012 is a criminal, as Obama has no record to run on and the only reason to vote for him is to get "free stuff".
Anyone committed to voting for Obama in 2012 is a communist. Communists are criminals who turn to government to point a barrel of a gun at producers and force the producers within the society to turn over their wealth to the government for redistribution to the takers. The "free stuff". Or as Ayn Rand calls them, the looters.
25-year MSM vet The Deacon's Bench, via Glenn, scolds MSNBC for their latest in a string of creative edits.
This time, MSNBC edited Mitt Romney's speech about a PA sandwich shop to make him look like a fool.
Someone with a video phone posted the full clip and shows that the fools are, once again, at MSNBC.
Forget it. I’m done. You deserve what they’re saying about you. It’s earned. You have worked long and hard to merit the suspicion, acrimony, mistrust and revulsion that the media-buying public increasingly heaps upon you. You have successfully eroded any confidence, dispelled any trust, and driven your audience into the arms of the Internet and the blogosphere, where biases are affirmed and like-minded people can tell each other what they hold to be true, since nobody believes in objective reality any more. You have done a superlative job of diminishing what was once a great profession and undermining one of the vital underpinnings of democracy, a free press.
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
Fine Print: Our Gratuitous Election Countdown Images are pre-2008 election images from our image stash. Some are timeless, some not. Some were used, some not. All are random and were all scheduled in June. Image source has been long lost but we're happy to add. Just let us know in the comments. We'll post one a day until the Nov. 6 election. Enjoy!
1) This bookmark list getting too long, as we like to open all into tabs all at once, and
2) We're getting sick of the commercialization of gun blogs. Heavy ads and multiple writers suggests diluted opinions and a focus more on making $$ than blogging.
We aren't deleting the commercial blogs, but we are moving them to their own, less important, bookmark folder.
Our Dear Leader announced that undocumented people will not be deported from the United States. (Link: The Hill)
You'll recall, his predecessors in the Communist Dictator Thug mold did everything they could to keep undocumented people out of their countries. Further, they emphasized documentation at every checkpoint.
Our Dear Leader has gone rogue.
Do you see any undocumented workers in this 1958 photo of a Soviet factory floor? aspect of the Greek collapse into hell has gotten lost: the complete failure of the Greek healthcare system.
As the following Reuters report shows, regardless of the outcome on Sunday, it just may be too late to preserve the future of Greek sickcare, and with that, of the entire population:
"The country's state hospitals are cutting off vital drugs, limiting non-urgent operations and rationing even basic medical materials for exhausted doctors as a combination of economic crisis and political stalemate strangle health funding. "It's a matter of life and death for us," said Persefoni Mitta, head of the cancer patients' association, recounting the dozens of calls she gets a day from patients needing pricey, hard-to-find cancer drugs. "Why are they depriving us of life?""
They are depriving of you of life, Persefoni, because in old times, when a given country was enslaved, there was a specific aggressor that the people could revolt against. Now, when the slave-master is debt, and thus one's own desire to live beyond their means, it is far more difficult to look in the mirror and to revolt against what one sees. Which is why, one day at a time, the Greek civilization will continue to suffer the terminal consequences of infinite debt serfdom, until finally, after two thousand years, it no longer exists.
"We're not talking about painkillers here - we've learned to live with physical pain - we need drugs to keep us alive," Mitta, a petite former marathon runner and herself a cancer survivor, said in a voice shaky with emotion.
The shortage of paper, which is thrown out after each patient has used it, means corners have to be cut on hygiene.
"Sometimes we take a bed sheet instead and use it for several patients," said Kiki Kiale, a radiologist specialising in cancer screening. "It's tragic but there's no other solution."
Photos, found at Google Images, are from other glorious universal healthcare facilities of the people, in Cuba, Communist Romania, and elsewhere.
When you scrape away all the Hope and Change, this is what Our Dear Leader wants, and we can expect the same excuses from him and his commissars when "economic crisis" hits here.
As well as limiting cash withdrawals and imposing capital controls, they have discussed the possibility of suspending the Schengen agreement, which allows for visa-free travel among 26 countries, including most of the European Union.
Why should travel be restricted just because a bunch of worthless government beaurocrats currency fails?
How much would Obama let you withdraw from the ATM if the US were to face fiscal crisis?
That same day she said this in Philadelphia (story and photo from CNN):
"And in the end, it all boils down to one simple question: Will we continue the change we've begun and the progress we've made, or will we allow everything we've fought for to just slip away?"