It appears the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has equated those protesting the current health legislation as nazis. From the Speaker's mouth:
It also appears the continuously-campaigning president has created a couple logos to help in his socialized medicine efforts. These images from today's Sweetness & Light:

We found this 3-minute video today on YouTube. Obama's Brown Shirts, by DrDissent:
Found this at today's American Thinker:

We copied this image from Doug Ross' site a while back. Fitting, isn't it?

So, with all this finger-pointing and name-calling, which side is right?
Is it liberals or conservatives who gravitate to leader-worship and a strong, centralized government at the expense of the citizens' rights? We're so busy watching the socialized medicine debate we don't have time to ponder...
UPDATE 4:10pm: Phil Kerpen at Americans for Prosperity offers a rare 2-minute shot back from the right. It appears Rachel Maddow is still trying to explain away the phenomenon that is middle-America's revulsion to Obama's socialized medicine dream.
UPDATE 4:55pm: Rusty at the Jawa Report posted this today:

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