First, Obama:
This is not class warfare -- it's math. The money has to come from some place. If we're not willing to ask those who've done extraordinarily well to help America close the deficit... the math says everybody else has to do a whole lot more, we've got to put the entire burden on the middle class and the poor.
Now the smell test.
Karl Marx:
This is not class warfare -- it's math. The money has to come from some place. If we're not willing to ask those who've done extraordinarily well to help America close the deficit... the math says everybody else has to do a whole lot more, we've got to put the entire burden on the middle class and the poor.
1) the quote by Karl Marx is believable and is in line with his communist inspirations, and
2) the quote by Obama was said today, therefore
3) Obama is a bed-wetting, pinko commie SOB.
Stay tuned to for more scientific analysis.
Related - this image is from The Art of E, found through The Looking Spoon.

UPDATED 9.22 9am
A rebuttal found at IOTW:
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