Normally it is not a dream. It is common now to open the paper to see Mr. "Obama is Not a Socialist" Princeton Economics [?} Professor Alan S. Binder (left) doing what is clearly an Obama Suck-Up on the opinion pages. Just ask the president for a job already.
Or the female version of Bill "We must find the middle ground even if we forfeit all credibility" O'Reilly, Peggy Noonan (middle). Like Mark Levin, she was in the Reagan White House. Unlike Mark, she desperately lacks a core. Reading Noonan is like a box of chocolates...
And last, the WSJ's lib-on-staff, Thomas Frank (right). Like the Alan Colmes in the old Hannity and Colmes show, Mr. Frank is forced to spew liberal drivel to an audience that turned to the WSJ to avoid such blather. Maybe he'll follow Colmes' lead.
So, now that the WSJ has lowered our expectations, one can see how pleasantly surprised we were last Friday. It isn't just conservatism that we seek in the WSJ, but an objective analysis of current events written by those we trust will show us the good, bad and the ugly. Here are some of the articles we found:
Rush Limbaugh, Liberals and the Violence Card
Had President Obama campaigned on this agenda, he wouldn't have garnered 30% of the popular vote.
The Obama/Clinton/media left are comfortable with the unrest in our society today. It allows them to blame and demonize their opponents (doctors, insurance companies, Wall Street, talk radio, Fox News) in order to portray their regime as the great healer of all our ills, thus expanding their power and control over our society.
A clear majority of the American people want no part of this. They instinctively know that the Obama way is not how things get done in this country. They are motivated by love. Not hate, not sedition. They love their country and want to save it from those who do not.
The Obama/Clinton/media left are comfortable with the unrest in our society today. It allows them to blame and demonize their opponents (doctors, insurance companies, Wall Street, talk radio, Fox News) in order to portray their regime as the great healer of all our ills, thus expanding their power and control over our society.
A clear majority of the American people want no part of this. They instinctively know that the Obama way is not how things get done in this country. They are motivated by love. Not hate, not sedition. They love their country and want to save it from those who do not.
Kimberely A. Strassel, The Real Republican Civil War
Writing of the Marco Rubio (reformer) vs. Charlie Crist (establishment GOP) race in Florida:
If an angry public has done anything, it's been to embolden more of these reformers to run. Pennsylvania Senate candidate Pat Toomey was a leader on Social Security reform in Congress. John Kasich, running for Ohio governor, promises to overhaul the state's decrepit tax and regulatory systems. In House races you see more candidates running on bold solutions. Yet for every budding Rubio there remains an establishment GOP member who fights earmark bans, blanches at Medicare reform, and just wants to get through the next election.
This divide is putting enormous pressure on the GOP leadership. It tastes victory this fall and is terrified of blowing it. It watched President Obama sandbag Mr. Ryan earlier this year, holding up his roadmap as an example of the terrors the GOP would impose on the nation.
At some point, GOP leaders are going to have to decide what the "new" GOP is. Principled opposition to bad Democratic policy is a legitimate strategy for the midterms. Then what? Republicans will win seats this fall. How long they remain in them will come down to which side—the establishment GOP or the reformist GOP—wins what is the real Republican civil war.
This divide is putting enormous pressure on the GOP leadership. It tastes victory this fall and is terrified of blowing it. It watched President Obama sandbag Mr. Ryan earlier this year, holding up his roadmap as an example of the terrors the GOP would impose on the nation.
At some point, GOP leaders are going to have to decide what the "new" GOP is. Principled opposition to bad Democratic policy is a legitimate strategy for the midterms. Then what? Republicans will win seats this fall. How long they remain in them will come down to which side—the establishment GOP or the reformist GOP—wins what is the real Republican civil war.
Bing West, The Meaning of the Korengal Retreat
Did you know we are retreating?
In 2006, the United States sent a company of men into a sparsely populated, steep-sided valley called the Korengal in northeastern Afghanistan. It was part of a new counterinsurgency strategy aimed at stopping fighters from coming across the nearby Pakistan border and at winning over local tribes by patrolling their villages.
Last week, the U.S. all but conceded the Korengal to the Taliban by pulling out of the valley.
We will know in about a year whether the Korengal is an isolated failure or a bridgehead for insurgents. The litmus test will be whether the main road to the provincial capital near the Korengal is safe to travel. Either way, the Korengal does illustrate that our counterinsurgency doctrine of winning hearts and minds with good will and material projects can be checkmated by Islamic extremism and tribal xenophobia.
Last week, the U.S. all but conceded the Korengal to the Taliban by pulling out of the valley.
We will know in about a year whether the Korengal is an isolated failure or a bridgehead for insurgents. The litmus test will be whether the main road to the provincial capital near the Korengal is safe to travel. Either way, the Korengal does illustrate that our counterinsurgency doctrine of winning hearts and minds with good will and material projects can be checkmated by Islamic extremism and tribal xenophobia.
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