We started reading Professor Robert Gellately's book, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler
A couple comments from Leon Trotsky jumped out at us on pages 43-44. The context was Lenin's first proposal to abolish freedom of expression.
He [Trotsky] said that "during civil war the right to use violence" -this less than forty-eight hours into what was still a bloodless revolution - "belongs only to the oppressed." There were catcalls at the meeting: "Who's the oppressed now? Cannibal!" Trotsky pressed on to say, "If we are going to nationalize the banks, can we then tolerate the finance journals? The old regime must die: that must be understood once and for all."
Our founders' first proposal was to establish freedom of expression. The commies: to eliminate it.
The Bolshevik commies' first nationalization target was the banks. Today the
The other news: Hispanics to hold marches in 70 cities on May 1st. May Day.
Nothing to see here.
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