A conviction isn't possible in the Zimmerman case. The next best thing is this picture at today's Drudge.

The goal of this Show Trial is for citizens to leave their guns at home, or to hesitate when a thug is bashing their head against the pavement. To surrender.
Let this be another warning to the 100 million Americans who own over 300 million guns - you may have to choose:
Let this be another warning to the 100 million Americans who own over 300 million guns - you may have to choose:
UPDATE 12:30:
Author and hat owner John Lott posts on Zimmerman bail.
Says Uncle reports that 100k concealed carry permits have been issued in Wisconsin. They didn't get the memo...
And a friendly reminder found at Green Mountains Homesteading:

UPDATE 4.23:
Zimmerman makes bail - death threats continue.
Would there would be less death threats if these people were busy with jobs and raising 2-parent families?
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