Is it too early to vote in the next election?
From The Blaze (incl. video), Sarah Palin had this to say about Chris Christie in New Jersey:
With all due respect to Governor Christie, you know he has no choice but to cut budgets because he’s broke, his state is broke. What courage really is, is in the face of having a surplus when you have opportunity to spend spend spend the people’s money, you still choose to reign in government to let the private sector soar. That’s real courage, and by the way that’s what I did as Governor here when I engaged in hiring freezes and reduced earmarks by 86% and vetoed the largest amounts in our state’s history. Despite having a surplus that’s real leadership and that’s courage.

Today, all cell phones resemble the iPhone, but the iPhone is hands-down the standard.
Likewise, we'll be presented with a bunch of Republicans in 2012 that sound just like Palin. Many will be fooled by the marketing, as many today buy non-Apple cell phones.
Not this Comrade.
We have taken note that Sarah Palin has not only been out front on every important issue, but has taken the absolute best position of every issue too. She is defining the debate for 2012. She is focus-testing this message for the other Republicans, and taking all the risk in doing so. That is leadership.
Will we find issues where we prefer Bolton, or Bachman, or West more appealing? Probably. Will Sarah Palin disappoint us on some future issue? No doubt.
But we will remember that she led. Will you?
And we will set the bar higher for those who follow. Will you join us?
UPDATED 4.17 Dan Riehl agrees.
UPDATED 5.22 Lloyd Marcus agrees.
UPDATED 6.13 Former lefty David Mamet agrees.
UPDATED 6.17 Wild Bill agrees.
UPDATED & BUMPED7.8 Undefeated Trailer. Opens July 15. U/T: IOTW.
We don't need to see this. But we're going anyway.
I'm in. Palin for President.
"We have taken note that Sarah Palin has not only been out front on every important issue, but has taken the absolute best position of every issue too." Exactly the way I feel about Obama
You're just embarrassing yourself, brokebackcowboy.
Like 47% of Americans I think Obama is doing a good job in office. His policies are very similar to Bush. I am also a big Bush supporter. I am 100% pro-American, I don't let party division cloud my judgment.
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