Tuesday, January 24, 2012

SOTU Boycott

We are announcing that we will not attend tonight's State of the Union speech.  

Our Obama Cuss Jar is already overflowing.

So far we are joined by Congressman Doug Lamborn, R-Colo (story) and all the respectable justices on the Supreme Court.

The president is a commie and a criminal.  Why should we attend and grant him legitimacy?  

Here are a few items that belong in a State of the Union speech, but will be left out in order to stir up envy, anger, and campaign donations from unions:

1. The state of illegal weapons sold to Mexican cartels,
2. The state of our first national car, the Volt,
3. The state, and results, of the $1T stimulus,
4. The state of the Rule of Law (see MF Global),
5. The state of each unborn child in Obama's America,
6. And more....

Money shot at 0:18:

Mr. Dear Leader, we are keeping track of your 'progress' - Obama To Do List

From America Future Fund:

UPDATE 1.25:

Here are some responses to the SOTU.  Too busy at work to even get to watch these, but they come recommended by our favorite bloggers (at left).


rjp said...

All the videos have thwe sound muted.

Karl said...

Working for me. I'm using Safari on a mac here.