PUMA's message is clear: 1) Obama is not electable. 2) Obama was nominated by selection, not election.

Watch for PUMA references in Denver! Here is a taste - a snippet from PUMA PAC:
Gov. Rendell’s pressure on delegates to pipe down and fall in line is just one of many in a concerted, serious, and outrageous effort to hold the Unity Pony in check at ALL COSTS. Delegates in Colorado being threatened with replacement if they sign the 300 Petition; delegates in Kentucky told they will be “primaried” and punished by the Party if they ask for a roll call vote and nomination. And outrageous (and I mean OUTRAGEOUS) pressure on Hillary to RELEASE her delegates immediately in order to KILL the NOMINATION question DEAD.
Here are some links we found on the PUMA movement:
The Denver Group
Just Say No Deal
The Confluence
YouTube: TristKiss
Hillary Supporters of the World, Unite!