Thursday, June 26, 2008

"Too Controversial"

Pajamas Media has declined to help us advertise the Commie Obama line of fashionable headwear and the high-end Leninade beverage because the products, the site, and the concepts are "too controversial".

They manage advertising for some of the best blogs out there, including Little Green Footballs, HotAir and the Jawa Report. Sites that have been know to post controversial content... on occasion. Content, by the way, without the humor our Commie Obama campaign is known for.

While we're often hard on the MSM, we have been treated fairly in interviews by CNN, Fox News, and the Washington Post. Pajamas Media, clearly biased in our favor, cowers at the site of our hat. Some stand by a group that claims to target bias in the old media...

We know where our first order will originate if we ever expand our product line to include testicles.