Friday, January 18, 2008

Karl's Weekend Reading

Many bloggers and writers are coming out for their candidates now - all with convincing arguments and passion. While we are leaning toward a decision personally, we're on the record here to support the Republican nominee while we wear our attractive hat. So instead of linking to a number of candidate-specific articles that, chances are, you have already read, we'll link to some others.

Charles Krauthammer pens "The Dreamer and the Doer?" at He analyzes the recent HRC remark about MLK, and exposes the repulsive analogy within.

In my view, the real problem with Clinton's statement was the implied historical analogy -- that the subordinate position King held in relation to Johnson, a function of the discrimination and disenfranchisement of the time, somehow needs recapitulation today when none of those conditions apply.
The King-Johnson analogy is dead because the times are radically different. Today an African-American can be in a position to wield the emancipation pen -- and everything else that goes along with the presidency: from making foreign policy to renting out the Lincoln Bedroom (if one is so inclined). Why should African-American dreams still have to go through white liberals?

The WSJ Opinion Page reviews the Republicans' tax pledges against the coming 'inevitable showdown in 2009':

With Democrats insisting on a giant tax increase, taxes will be a major issue this fall no matter who wins the GOP nod. And if a Republican does win the White House, a tax reform showdown is inevitable in 2009. The AMT continues to swallow more taxpayers, the death tax is due to expire for a single year in 2010 and then rise back to 55%, and the Bush tax cuts expire after 2010. This is a perfect storm that means the next President will have no choice but to make taxes a political priority.

And Larry Elder offers us a fun review for why we vote the way we do in his article, "A Democrat or a Republican?, summarizing with:

Republicans believe what they see, and Democrats see what they believe.