Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spitzer Update

Hopefully our final post on the sordid matter...

Ashley Alexandra Dupre, aka Kristen, has an interesting future as the prostitute that brought down the NY governor and one of the Dems future presidential pics. We're sure Eliot thinks, "If only she had been an employee of the state..."

The Wall Street Journal had some good quotes and information today:
Kimberley A. Strassel - Spitzer's Media Enablers

Journalists have spent the past two days asking how a man of Mr. Spitzer's stature would allow himself to get involved in a prostitution ring. The answer, in my mind, is clear. The former New York attorney general never believed normal rules applied to him, and his view was validated time and again by an adoring press. "You play hard, you play rough, and hopefully you don't get caught," said Mr. Spitzer two years ago. He never did get caught, because most reporters were his accomplices.

Journalism has many functions, but perhaps the most important is keeping tabs on public officials. That duty is even more vital concerning government positions that are subject to few other checks and balances. Chief among those is the prosecutor, who can use his awesome state power to punish, even destroy, private citizens.

John Fund - Eliot the 'Enforcer'

Mr. Spitzer cloaked his naked devaluation of the rule of law with gauzy rhetoric that was perfectly pitched to make many liberals ignore his strong-arm tactics. He harshly criticized advocates of judicial restraint such as Antonin Scalia as believing in "a dead piece of paper." In a Law Day ceremony, Mr. Spitzer was blunt: "I believe in an evolving Constitution. . . . A flexible Constitution allows us to consider not merely how the world was, but how it ought to be."

And on the Opinion page - Of Martin and Mann

In New York state, patronizing a prostitute is a misdemeanor, so any federal prosecution for money laundering, structuring or violating the Mann Act would greatly raise the legal stakes for the Governor. But he may have other things to worry about, too. Just as Mr. Spitzer once suspected Republican Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno of using state helicopters for non-official travel, legal experts also have questions about whether Mr. Spitzer may have directly or indirectly used public funds to support his alleged assignations.

As Mr. Spitzer knows all too well, the government has many weapons for pursuing its targets. The Governor now has to hope that federal prosecutors show more restraint than he ever did as Attorney General.