Saturday, October 20, 2007

Karl's Weekend Reading

Now, with all the facts, the WSJ reviews the Haditha story in Friday's editorial: What Happened at Haditha. Should Murtha have waited for the facts too?

Victor Davis Hanson shares his opinion, as only VDH can do, in his Townhall article: Congress' New Role: Undermining U.S. Foreign Policy.

And too often we see frustrated senators posture in debate during televised hearings, trying out for the role of chief executive or commander in chief. Most could never get elected president — many have tried — but they seem to enjoy the notion that their own under-appreciated brilliance and insight should supersede the collective efforts of the State Department.

So they travel abroad, pass resolutions and pontificate a lot, but rarely have to clean up the ensuing mess of their own freelancing of American foreign policy.

James Taranto reviews the Washington Post's biased coverage of the Gen. Sanchez comments in his Monday Best of the Web.

The Post could have mentioned Abu Ghraib in the first or second paragraph; it might have led the story: The former commander in Iraq who was forced to retire amid revelations of abuse at Abu Ghraib prison accused the Bush administration yesterday . . .

Instead, the article tells us, in paragraphs 1-9, that a former commander in Iraq criticized the Bush administration, and in the remaining paragraphs that the guy who was forced to retire amid Abu Ghraib revelations criticized the media. Very subtle editorializing--very impressive if you like that sort of thing.

Today's Post carries an article titled "Al-Qaeda in Iraq Reported Crippled." It's a generally upbeat report, though with significant caveats. What's interesting is the absence from the story of one word: surge.

And in James' Wednesday report, he covers an interesting change in Syria's version of the Israeli air strike.

In Denial

"Syria's ambassador to the United Nations confirmed on Tuesday that Israel's air strike on September 6 in northern Syria did indeed target a nuclear site, marking the first time the country has acknowledged its nuclear efforts," reports Israel Insider.

Oh, wait.

"Syria denied Wednesday its representatives to the United Nations had confirmed that an Israel Air Force strike last month targeted nuclear facility, and added that such facilities do not exist in Syria, state-run news agency said," Ha'aretz reports.

There's no word yet on whether Syria's representative to the United Nations confirms or denies Syria's denial of his confirmation. But stay tuned.

Oliver North reminds us about the new Russia in his Townhall article: Putin the Puppet Master.

Almost no one noticed that the new strategic synergy between Moscow and Tehran goes well beyond Bushehr.