We finished Oliver North's "Under Fire" book along with a Rocky Patel Edge this afternoon. The book is out of print, but you can find a reseller at
. It is a great book about North, Reagan, The 80's and National Security. Here is one of the many paragraphs we stopped to re-read (P. 179) where North discusses the differences between CIA head Casey and Secretary of State Shultz and the accomplishments of the Reagan Administration:
The Casey-Shultz conflict was considerably more dignified than the Shultz-Weinberger rivalry, and was more along the lines of the traditional tensions between secretaries of state and national security advisers. While Shultz's view of the world was hard to discern, Casey had already formulated what later became known as the Reagan Doctrine, which encouraged active American support for anti-Communist movements around the world. Afghanistan, Nicaragua, and Angola became its most vivid manifestations, but Casey wasn't merely anti-Communist; he was enthusiastically pro-democracy. One of his greatest frustrations was that few Americans seemed to know that many new democracies around the world had emerged (or in some cases, reemerged) during the Reagan years, including Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Venezuela, Columbia, Honduras, Guatemala, the Philippines, and South Korea.
Update 7.30:
So what does Fawn Hall look like? That was our question as we read Ollie's book. We'd flip to all the pictures, and not a one of Fawn. Hmm? How could a major player in the scandal not get a picture in the book? Well, a quick Google Images search answers the question. Yep, as we expected...