The interview starts at the 55min mark, and ends with Matt losing his Skype connection at 1:37.
Alex was unaware of Bracken, his books and his articles. He says this, but it was obvious with all of Alex's interruptions. I tuned in to hear Matt only, and here are some of the things I heard:
Marxist Uprising.I don't know if any of these predictions will come true, but I am a consumer of the pessimism in Obama's America with QE, ZIRP, NSA eavesdropping, IRS abuse, a massive enthusiasm for Bernie and Hillary, etc. Matt is one of the few I listen to. (Alex is not.)
Marxist take down.
We're going to have an overload of the system.
Electricity has become our oxygen.
1:18:20 mark - Our three parallel systems
I think of it as 1917 in Russia.
1:25:15 mark - We need to prepare for a grid-down scenario in the next year. Because we are not going to have a Russian Revolution ... through Washington DC and the power stays on.
The militia of one.
There is a lot of digging-in going on.
I think it is better to be aware of these scenarios, prepare within reason, and continue to live life with as little worry as possible.
I highly recommend Matt's Enemies trilogy. Here is a link to the first book. It is very entertaining, and more than enough to prove that Matt is an expert at understanding evil.
Further, I recommend Matt's recent essays, both listed in the Ushanka Library at the left.
Matt Bracken's new site.
UPDATED 5.2.16 5pm:
Bracken was on AJ again today. Starts at 19-min mark.