Sunday, October 05, 2014

RFK's Final Solution

Second City Cop alerts us to a speech by Robert Kennedy at last month's Watermelon Revolution Eco-Commie Rally.  Gulags of America:
RFK Jr gave this speech just this past weekend at the Climate Change Summit in New York City. Three-hundred-thousand applauded and cheered. Jailing dissenters, people with different opinions and interpretations. How very banana-republic of him.
Fox - with PJMedia video:

Michelle Fields should know that he has a cell phone:  NY Post.

More at GateWay Pundit, with video.


  1. sth_txs3:28 PM

    I've actually talked to people who lived in the old communist countries. If they think the environment is bad now, they don't what the hell they are talking about. I have not met one who has told me how the communist were great caretakers of the earth.

  2. Granted the man is a complete liar and a leftist tool, but I didn't catch him saying that global warming dissenters should be jailed. I'll have to listen again.


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